Hisar Intercontinental Hospital
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Hisar Intercontinental Hospital is Turkey’s largest and most comprehensive private hospital in the Asian district of Istanbul, Turkey. The hospital is recognized for its outstanding comprehensive services with the highest quality diagnosis and treatment in the most comfortable safe and patient-oriented environments with the latest and the best medical techniques. Hisar Hospital offers a range of specialized services, as well as special healthcare programs for intercontinental patients.

The Hospital offers a broad range of treatments such as Cancer Screening and Cancer Treatment, Pediatric and Adult Cardiovascular Surgery, Invasive Cardiology, Vascular Surgery, Hematology, Bone Marrow transplant, Neurology, Spine and Orthopedics Surgery, Ophthalmological Laser Surgery, Laparoscopy, Weight Loss, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Cosmetic Surgery, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery in particular. Read more…

Source URL: https://medigence.com/hospital/hisar-intercontinental-hospital

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Imran Saify

This is Imran Saify I work with MediGence. MediGence provides Health care services Like cosmetic surgery, Oncology, Cardiology and more.